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A source of information about common food allergens and links to recipes which don’t contain them

Vegan dark chocolate
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Vegan dark chocolate

For some people, the food they crave when tired, sad, or stressed is sweet. For others, it’s salty. Some may dream of rich and creamy comfort food, or a food they had often as a child. For me (and many other people) the primary go-to when feeling depleted…or even just feeling, is chocolate.

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Spiced red lentil, tomato, and kale soup
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Spiced red lentil, tomato, and kale soup

I’m a big fan of red lentils. They’re quick to cook, easier to digest than other lentils, and, like their brown and green cousins, are a good source of iron, protein, fiber, B vitamins, and magnesium. Combined with onion, garlic, tomatoes, and spices in this recipe, they become a rich, delicious, comforting soup with a stew-like consistency.

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White bean dip
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

White bean dip

This White Bean Dip has many of the same benefits of hummus, being made predominantly of beans and olive oil, but there are a couple of important differences. First, it doesn’t contain tahini (sesame seed paste), so it’s safe for those with a sesame allergy, and second, it’s not hummus, so it doesn’t trigger my hopefully short-lived hummus aversion.

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Chicken oat risotto
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Chicken oat risotto

Don’t let looks deceive you – this unappetizing-looking steel cut oat “risotto” is actually quite tasty! As a big fan of whole grains, I liked the idea of using steel cut oats rather than white rice in this recipe, but I’m sure arborio rice would taste great (and look prettier), if that’s your preference…or what you have in the pantry.

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Gingerbread house adventure
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Gingerbread house adventure

I learned a lot in the process of trying to make an allergen-free gingerbread house, mostly via the process of realizing belatedly that I shouldn’t do the thing I just did. It was, shall we say, a challenge. It was also, in the end, delicious.

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Peppermint meringues
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Peppermint meringues

Since Thanksgiving I’ve been thinking about peppermint. Dreaming about peppermint. I wanted to find a holiday recipe highlighting the flavor, so I started searching…and found this colorful tasty peppermint treat.

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Holiday treats that everyone can eat
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Holiday treats that everyone can eat

With holidays come festive treats, many of them full of gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts, or other foods that you and your family might not be able to eat. But food allergies and intolerances don’t have to prevent you from enjoying traditional holiday treats!

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Winter squash ginger soup
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Winter squash ginger soup

It was a dinner-related comment from my friend and walking buddy Jex Calvert of Food Focused Nutrition, along with the possession of an Autumn Frost squash from my CSA, that directed my most recent recipe quest.

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Cooking a meal that everyone can eat
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Cooking a meal that everyone can eat

When you have people in your life with varied dietary restrictions and needs, meal planning can quickly get complicated. However, it is absolutely possible to make a great meal and not feel like you have become a short-order cook.

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“Bowl” meals
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

“Bowl” meals

One of the handy things about bowl meals is their versatility. Each recipe generally contains a grain, vegetables, and a sauce, and from there the only limit is your imagination (or pantry).

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Dessert sushi
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Dessert sushi

A simple combination of sushi rice, sugar, salt, and coconut milk, arranged with whatever fresh fruit and decorations you like, can yield a beautiful and tasty dessert.

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Egg-free meringue cookies
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Egg-free meringue cookies

A good meringue has a lovely crunch when you bite into it, then melts into sweet happiness in your mouth. Aquafaba absolutely shines as an egg replacement in meringue recipes, providing the lift, airiness, and melt-in-your-mouth quality required.

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Homemade mayonnaise
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Homemade mayonnaise

Traditional mayonnaise, mayonnaise replacements, and even vegan mayonnaise can be a problem for a multiple-food allergic person. Luckily, making homemade aquafaba mayo is a breeze.

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Baking with aquafaba
Recipes Coral Clarke Recipes Coral Clarke

Baking with aquafaba

Numerous aquafaba recipes have popped up on the internet, and the first one that I tried was… muffins. Have I mentioned that I love muffins?

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